If pigs fly!

Happy New Year's Eve. Are you teaching prepositions this year? I have the book and lesson for you! Rick Walton has created a series of books to help with your language adventures. The one I will be debuting you is Around the House the Fox Chased the Mouse. In this story, you will find a lesson about prepositions. Students will learn about how the fox chased the mouse. Maybe he went AROUND the house, THROUGH the fence, or OVER the log. In the back of the book, Rick provides a mini preposition lesson. When I read this book to my students, I use a really out of breathe voice. The kids think its hilarious. I am trying to become one with the characters. #lovetobesilly!
I have also created a preposition product on TpT to help students practice using prepositions. Here is a little look inside the product. Click on any of the pictures to go to this product on TpT.


 Happy New Year's Eve.

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